Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

Summer Reading Club: Final Mission

WOW...time flies when you are having fun! Happy final week of the Summer Reading Club!

After our long journey, I think it’s important to remember the friends we made along the way. For this week’s activity, we will be making alien friends! We will create our friends in many different ways! Some examples include using cupcake liners, recycled materials, or making handprint aliens!

Join us in person at the library from August 19th to 22nd to complete the craft!

Cannot make it in person? Make an alien friend at home! Feel free to use recycled materials, draw or paint an alien, or use your handprint! Then, upload a photo once you are finished.  

Please note: All raffle tickets/points will expire by the end of this week - they will not transfer into next year's Summer Reading Club. Additionally, Participants can complete the weekly activity online or in person, but will not be rewarded extra tickets for doing both.

Thank you all for participating in this year's Summer Reading Club! Please join us for our closing event - The Last Blast on Saturday, August 24th, 2024! There will be a show, live music, face painting, and more! 

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Summer Reading Club: Week 7 Mission

Happy seventh week of Summer Reading Club!

With only 2 weeks left, the SRC will end soon - however, the fun persists! This week you are the author of your own book! Your task is to design a book cover to explain your travels in space this summer.

Come into the library from August 12th - 17th and work with a volunteer to create a book cover. Ensure that your book cover includes a setting (e.g. in space, on the moon, in a rocket), a main character (e.g. an astronaut, alien, a talking star), and a creative title!

Can't make it in person? Complete your book cover design at home and upload a photo!

Completing this week's mission will get you 3 extra tickets! 

Please note: Participants have the option to complete the weekly activity online or in person, but will not be rewarded extra tickets for doing both.  

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Summer Reading Club: Week 1 Mission

Happy first week of the Summer Reading Club!

Grab your astronaut suit and hop aboard our spaceship as we prepare to blast off, leaving the Milky Way behind us! First things first, we need to do some research! From July 2nd - July 6th bring your library card and your moon boots to the library to check out your favourite space-themed novel or book.

Want to win some extra tickets this week? Read your favourite space-themed book with one of our teen volunteers during reporting hours for 3 extra tickets!

Can't attend in person during reporting hours? Enjoy your interstellar journey from home! Check out your favourite space-themed novel or book from the library. Please write the title and author of the book you checked out and tell us why it’s your favourite for 3 extra tickets!

Please note: Participants have the option to complete the weekly activity online or in person, but will not be rewarded extra tickets for doing both! 

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Summer Reading Club: Week 2 Mission

Happy second week of the Summer Reading Club!

Last week, we did some research by reading our favourite space-themed books and novels. This week offers a different challenge. For this mission to be a success, we will need to get a crew together! Think about a book character you would want to take to space. They can be your favourite character, or someone you think would be fun to take with you!

For example, my favourite book character is Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson & The Olympians Series. I would definitely bring her to space! She’s so smart and I think she would be so helpful on our mission!

Your mission this week? From July 8th to 13th, let us know which book character you would ask to join your crew and why! Then, draw a picture of yourself and your favourite character in space! Be as creative as possible! Completing this activity will grant you 3 extra tickets this week!

Materials will be available in the library if you choose to attend in-person.

Cannot attend in-person? Upload your explanation and a photo of your creation online!

Please note: Participants have the option to complete the weekly activity online or in-person, but will not be rewarded extra tickets for doing both.  

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Summer Reading Club: Week 3 Mission

Happy third week of the Summer Reading Club!

We’ve researched our favourite space books and novels, got our crew ready, and now we only have one more step! It’s time to build the rocket! Come to the library from July 15th - 20th and work with our amazing volunteers to build a rocket from recycled materials for a chance to win 3 extra tickets! Please feel free to bring in your own plastic waterbottle for this craft!

Can’t make it in person? Make a rocket at home and upload a photo!

Remember to keep reading along the way! This rocket is fuelled by reading minutes – the more you read, the farther you’ll go!

Please note: Participants have the option to complete the weekly activity online or in person, but will not be rewarded extra tickets for doing both.  

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Summer Reading Club: Week 4 Mission

Happy fourth week of the Summer Reading Club!

This week, it’s time to put our puzzle-solving abilities to the test! Join us in-person at the library from July 22nd to 27th and work with our volunteers to finish puzzles and mazes, solve word searches and crosswords, and more!

You’ll also be able to drop in and read with volunteers as usual.

Can’t make it in person? No worries! Send a photo of you completing a puzzle, maze, crossword or word search at home.

If you don’t have any at home, please email Samantha, our Summer Reading Club Coordinator (samantha.hudson@wsplibrary.ca) and she’ll send you a few! Completing this activity will earn you 3 additional tickets this week!

Please note: Participants have the option to complete the weekly activity online or in person, but will not be rewarded extra tickets for doing both. 

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Summer Reading Club: Week 5 Mission

Happy fifth week of the Summer Reading Club!

This week, we’re putting our creative writing skills to work! We’ll be writing short poems about our favourite things in space and our adventures so far!

Join us in person at the library from July 29th – August 3rd to work on and share your lovely poems with a volunteer (or to get a little bit more inspiration)! Complete this activity for a chance to win 3 tickets!

Can't make it in person? No problem! Upload a photo of your poem online! 

As a reminder, this week's raffle closes on Sunday, August 4th and Week 6 will start on Tuesday, August 7th - after the Civic Holiday! If you are still having difficulty accessing raffles, please email Samantha, our Summer Reading Club Coordinator (samantha.hudson@wsplibrary.ca) or visit the library for assistance! 

Please note: Participants have the option to complete the weekly activity online or in person, but will not be rewarded extra badges for doing both.

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Summer Reading Club: Week 6 Mission

Happy sixth week of the Summer Reading Club!

We still have a couple more weeks of our space adventure, so it’s probably a good idea to become familiar with your surroundings. Let’s explore space for a bit and see what’s around!

Come in person to the library from August 6th – 10th to participate in our space scavenger hunt (more instructions will be available in person)! Complete 1-2 prompts from the scavenger hunt to win 3 extra tickets this week!

Can’t make it in person this week? That’s alright! Write a recommendation for a book that you think is OUT OF THIS WORLD! Let us know why we should be on the hunt for this book and you can earn 3 extra tickets!

Please note: Participants have the option to complete the weekly activity online or in person, but will not be rewarded extra badges for doing both.  

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